ABN: 89165516807    |    RTO NUMBER: 51161    |    CRICOS NUMBER: 03963B

General Information

ESOS Framework

Australian government has always been devoting to provide a safe, enjoyable and rewarding environment for international students and established ESOS Framework – a legal framework for the provision of education services to overseas students, and sets out the registration requirements and the ongoing standards for education providers that offer courses to overseas students. The framework provides a consistent national approach to the registration of education providers so that the quality of the training, and the care of students, remains high.

Visa Requirements

The overseas students are required to apply for student visas which allow them to study in Australia. The student visa is assessed and granted by Department of Home Affairs. The applicants must meet certain requirements to be granted the student visa and the requirements vary depending on the applicants’ nationality, the education providers and the level of the study you intend to undertake.

Typical requirements are listed below:

  • Meet Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement, please reference more on the website of Department of Home Affairs
  • Be issued Confirmation of Enrolment certificate (eCoE)
  • Meet financial requirement (sufficient funds to cover the study expense and living expense in Australia)
  • Meet English proficiency requirement
  • Acceptable Overseas Student Health Cover(OSHC)

  • Student visa conditions

    As a student visa holder, you must comply the visa conditions and you can find your visa conditions in VEVO. Typical visa conditions are listed below:

  • Work Limit- You cannot work more than 40 hours fortnightly when your course is in session
  • You must remain enrolled in a registered course
  • You must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia
  • You must update with our education provider about any change of your address

  • Overseas Students Health Cover

    OSHC is insurance to assist international students meet the costs of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia. OSHC will also pay limited benefits for pharmaceuticals and ambulance services. Overseas students must maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of student visa. This includes the student and their family members such as, spouses and children under 18 years old.We can help you to arrange your OSHC amongst several OSHC providers and you can visit their website for more details.


    Student visa holders are allowed to bring their family to Australia including your spouse and child. You can apply to bring you family in your student visa application or apply for a separate student dependent visa. The dependent of a student visa holder must also comply their visa conditions, more details about visa conditions in VEVO. You are required to enroll your school-aged children in Australian government or non-government schools and pay all tuition fees. All your family members are required to be covered by OSHC.

    Tax File Number

    After being granted a student visa, you can apply for your tax number which allows you to legally work in Australia and ensures the proper tax are deducted from your earnings.

    The Tax Number is also essential when you apply for a tax refund at the end of financial year and most of the part-time working student are eligible for refund. For more details, please refer to the Australian Taxation Office at www.ato.gov.au



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